D.E. Web Works

Tech Talk

Straight from the Geeks to you
  • 🐾 Lock Down Your Credit Meow! 🐾

    by DE Web Works | Sep 04, 2024
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  • How DEWW is Using AI to Help Protect Your Small Businesses 🛡️

    by Emily Weaver | Jun 16, 2023
    Introducing the new AI-Powered Endpoint Protection Suite, SentinelOne.
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  • Two-Factor Authentication: Because One Password Isn't Enough

    by Emily Weaver | Jan 25, 2023
    We all know how annoying it is when we can't remember a password. "Was it 'password123' or 'p@ssw0rd123'? Did I use an exclamation point or a dollar sign?" It's enough to make your head spin! But have you ever stopped to consider what would happen if someone else got ahold of your password?
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  • Combating Rising Costs

    by Emily Weaver | Jul 19, 2022
    We're all feeling the effects of rising costs across our businesses, and in the midst of that, D.E. Web Works is here to help you in the way that we can - through technology. Check out some ways below you can save your business money.
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  • ‼️👀 BE ALERT: Resume Phishing Scams

    by Emily Weaver | Jun 28, 2022
    Scammers are always finding new, creative ways to swindle your money. Make sure your organization is equipped to deal with the latest tactics criminals are using to try and steal your data.
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  • ⚠️ Email Security: What You Need To Know ⚠️

    by Emily Weaver | Jun 15, 2022
    Cyber criminals are now hacking into email accounts and stealing social media accounts simply by resetting the passwords and having that code sent to your email. Imagine the things they can steal with someone’s email account...
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  • ‼️👀 BE ALERT: Crypto Scams Taking Advantage of Ukraine Conflict

    by Natalie Teinert | Mar 01, 2022
    Scammers are always finding new, creative ways to swindle your money. One of the most effective ways is playing to your heartstrings. Criminals have begun to exploit people's sympathies for those suffering in Ukraine.
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  • ‼️ Beware of Wire Fraud Spear Phishing Scams

    by Natalie Teinert | Oct 19, 2021
    What would you do if you received an email from your CEO or CFO asking you to make an immediate or urgent wire transfer of funds? Or what if you receive an email from an employee requesting you change their bank account information where their earnings are usually direct deposited? If you are the person in your organization who is responsible for such tasks and receive requests like this regularly, you may not think twice. However, with the increased sophistication of hackers and cybercriminals, you must Stop, Look, and Think before deciding how to proceed.
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  • 💻✨Keeping Your Computer Clean

    by Natalie Teinert | Sep 07, 2021
    Your computer is an essential tool to keep your business running on a day-to-day basis, but many often neglect keeping this key piece of hardware’s cleanliness maintained (both inside and out). It’s estimated that the average life span of most computers is anywhere between three and five years – plenty of time for dust and data buildup. Keeping your hardware clean can help your machine run smoother and extend its lifespan. Check out a few quick tips we've put together on how to keep your computer clean...
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  • 💻 Cybersecurity Training now available in ALL MSP Plans!

    by Natalie Teinert | Jun 28, 2021
    Did you know that Comprehensive Cybersecurity Training is included in ALL Managed IT Service Plans? Our interactive training modules can be done at your own pace, and in your own space, and are packed full of information presented in an entertaining and engaging way!
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  • ⛈ Hurricane Season Officially Begins Today

    by Natalie Teinert | Jun 01, 2021
    f we've learned anything over the past several years, it would be to prepare for the worst. Whether a natural disaster (like a hurricane or ice storm) or a global pandemic, the unexpected continues to come our way. It's imperative that your business be able to react quickly and ensure business continuity throughout the craziest of times. Particularly during hurricane season (which is of course predicted to be an active one), companies that are caught unprepared are at risk of experiencing equipment damage, data loss, server problems, and operational downtime if a major storm hits.
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  • 5 Key Benefits You're Missing as a "Break-Fix" Account

    by Natalie Teinert | May 18, 2021
    Break fix is an industry term that simply means you wait until something "breaks" and call a technician to " fix" the problem. This is a reactive approach in which you're paying for each engagement to resolve a problem instead of preventing them in the first place. With a Managed IT Service Plan, you opt into a strategic proactive approach to your IT infrastructure and equipment in which we monitor and maintain your IT systems, focusing on preventing potential IT issues before they happen.
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  • Celebrate Earth Day by Recycling Your E-Waste Properly

    by Natalie Teinert | Apr 22, 2021
    From mobile phones that happen to die right when your contract is over to televisions that become obsolete as soon as a larger, thinner version debuts – every year we have electronics that need to be thrown out. But what should you do when it’s time to purge electronics you no longer need?
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  • Smishing: A scam headed to a smartphone near you

    by Natalie Teinert | Mar 23, 2021
    The term “smishing” comes from combining “SMS” (short message services, or texting) and “phishing”. Typically when cybercriminals “phish” they send you fraudulent emails trying to trick the recipient into opening malicious links or malware. Smishing simply uses text messages instead of email. Many popular ‘smishing’ scams right now revolves around using COVID-19 stimulus information or vaccination alerts to trick recipients into enrolling in fake programs and giving away their personal information.
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  • Cybersecurity On The Go: Tips & Threats While Traveling

    by Natalie Teinert | Mar 08, 2021
    Spring & Summer Break for many families means taking some time away to travel when kids are out of school. While we all need time to let our hair down and relax, we can't let our guard down when it comes to cybersecurity. Cybersecurity should not be limited to the office, home, or classroom. It is important to practice safe online behavior and secure our Internet-enabled mobile devices whenever we travel, as well. The more we travel and access the Internet on the go, the more cyber risks we face. No one is exempt from the threat of cybercrime, at work, at home or on the go, but you can follow these simple tips to stay safe online when traveling.
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  • Company vs. Personal Email: Tips & Differences Between the Two

    by Natalie Teinert | Aug 30, 2020
    As IT Professionals, we regularly deal with as many user issues as we do technology issues. One of those frequent user issues is email. We do everything we can to have secure servers and limit the amount of spam and attacks, but we have found that much of our (and your) exposure to risk could be reduced if users would take a little more care with their email addresses. One of the singularly best things you can do to minimize the amount of exposure your company is at risk to, is for you and your colleagues to use company email for company business only and personal email for personal use only.
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  • Eight Tips to Shop Online More Securely

    by Natalie Teinert | Jul 08, 2020
    Coronavirus continues to affect business and consumers. We were already shopping online before, but now for our safety, we are increasingly purchasing necessities online. While shopping online can be safer for our physical health at the moment, we’ve put together 8 quick tips to protect your digital health while making purchases online.
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  • Six Tips to Work from Home More Securely

    by Natalie Teinert | May 20, 2020
    As many businesses have recently been forced to “work-from-home” environments, many companies are also having to consider extending these remote work accommodations for their employees for the foreseeable future. With the increase in remote work and likelihood of its prominence moving forward, companies need to consider various ways to avoid cybersecurity risks and therefore avoid additional interruptions to business.
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  • Be Vigilant: Coronavirus Stimulus Phishing Scams are Here

    by Natalie Teinert | Apr 14, 2020
    Hackers and cybercriminals are phishing for personal data during the coronavirus pandemic, relying on the public’s inability to spot their scams. Emails claiming to contain information about the spread of the coronavirus, testing and vaccines, and deposits of stimulus checks will secretly download malware that allows hackers to steal information and deliver additional malware.
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  • Here Phishy, Phishy - How to Spot Email Red Flags

    by Natalie Teinert | Apr 13, 2020
    Unsolicited emails that prompt you to click on an attachment should always raise a red flag when you're checking your inbox. But classic email phishing scams still lure unsuspecting users into downloading malicious items and giving up their login information every day.
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